I am overdue for an update!! Today was another busy day. Liam had a great afternoon yesterday with a longer walk and slept most of the night, which he really needed.
Today was a big day, as he had his chest tubes pulled, finally! He was very scared, so that was really hard for us to see and help him navigate through...and rightly so, it is probably the hardest task to face. But our prayers were answered and he was able to get through it and did great. We had so many people covering us in prayer, so we are so appreciative. It helped that the big game room a couple floors down was open today, so he could go play Minecraft on the huge video wall afterwards. And play he did, for 2 hours! Lol. We will have some serious screen detoxing to do when we get home! But Im also glad he has something to take his mind off of things too. He also was able to get off oxygen this afternoon, so he is officially tube free!

I went home this afternoon after Liam was doing well from the tubes being gone, to check on Noah because he had an allergic reaction to his antibiotic. We got it changed so hopefully this one will work! I masked myself the whole time in the house, the kids thought it was funny, lol. I was able to spend a little time with them and do bath and bedtime with them before heading back to the hospital. My momma heart needed them today ❤️.
Our room here has a pretty incredible view of downtown and Liam also has some amazing friends who made him this sweet banner, and I got to decorate his door glass and be artsy for a little bit.
The Lord has been so gracious to us. He has sent us familiar faces! All the nurses who attended us back in November for his overnight stay for the cath, we have had assigned to us this time too! The care we are receiving here is phenomenal...Im so grateful the Lord directed our steps and gave us peace about choosing Childrens for his surgery. I continue to be in awe all that God has worked out for us for favor! I have so many God moments I want to share...it truly has been a miraculous week.
Word on the street is possible for discharge soon, maybe just one more day ❤️ Amazing! God bless you all and thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers for us!