This week has been a little bit of a challenge for us. First off, Liam got his bright white shiny new helmet on Monday! He surprised me, I must say. He has tolerated it so well! At the doctor's office, he got all excited when they put it on him...and didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. That is an answered prayer for sure! I was worried because he already hasn't been sleeping great and I just figured there would be a major adjustment in getting used to this for him. So that all equals no sleep for me. But lo and behold, he slept in it the very first night better than he has in a LONG time...And that brings us to our second part of the week...As Liam also slept through our A/C going out in the middle of the night....bring on the rain to our parade...
Yes, at about 11:00 pm Monday night, I noticed our A/C unit sounded VERY loud outside. Dustin went to check on it and agreed it didn't sound right and that it was probably the fan going out. Let me just preface real quick to for those of you who don't know that we live in Texas...and the heat this week has been, well normal for us, but HOT to say the least. SO, in a matter of about 30 minutes, I noticed on Liam's monitor, the temperature slowly creeping up from 76 to 77 then 78...then 79....then stopped at 80. Of course to us, it didn't feel too hot and since by then it was midnight, we decided to sleep with fans on, hoping it stayed cool enough til Tuesday morning. Thankfully it did stay bearable til morning, but I did get up a frequently to check on Liam and feel to make sure he wasn't getting too hot. The next morning, my dad came over as usual and took Liam to my parents house and I ended up staying the night last night with them too. Dustin stayed behind to meet with A/C people, a good husband he is....and then had to tell me the bad news that the compressor was going out and that our outside unit PLUS the inside attic coils had to be replaced....All I saw were evil dollar signs dancing in my head. It's ALWAYS something round here....but, it's what keeps my faith up, right? For our kind of life, you always have to be prepared for the unexpected...Into the Lord's hands this goes too...as this, too, shall pass.
So now I am sitting at home in air conditioning once again, full of thanks for the blessings we have and the people around us always there supporting us. I know the Lord has timing and purpose in everything that happens to us, so I have faith that this too is working for our good, because we love and trust in Him.
So LOTS still to do....this week has thrown me off a bit, including my training, but this weekend I'm planning on doing some catch up! The team logo is in the works, so I'm hoping to get that finished so I can start getting out official sponsor letters and t-shirts and jerseys designed. I also still need to contact the Children's Heart Foundation and let them know about our event so they can post it to their website.
I'm hoping to get the TEAM LIAM website up and running soon. I still have to get a design template and then we should be good to go!
FUNDRAISING UPDATE - We have already collected $1,300 towards our goal of $10,000! Thanks to Missy and Turner Construction Company for being our first corporate sponsor! Thanks also goes to our Nanny S. for the very generous donation as well! We are off to a GREAT start! Be sure to keep checking our fundraising progress and spread the word with our giving page at FirstGiving.com!
Wow! It has been a crazy week for you! What a relief that Liam doesn't mind his new "accessory". It would be so hard if he did.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Michigan and can't imagine my life without air conditioning.. and you are in TEXAS! Yikes! Glad you got it fixed! :)
Glad that Liam is tolerating the new accessory. Poor guy! Praying things get better for you guys and you can have a restful and relaxing weekend!