Sunday, February 6, 2011

2.6.11 - ANOTHER Snow Day!

We had a snow/ice week here in was crazy.  Schools were out all week except Monday, and it didn't get above freezing until yesterday.  So of course, we got out and had a little snow fun!

Daddy built Liam a mini-igloo....    
But built a man-size igloo with his friends first!  It was pretty amazing!

Tomorrow starts CHD Awareness week!  Remember to come out and join us at Durkin's Pizza in McKinney tomorrow night for a ALH fundraiser!! 


  1. The pictures of Liam are precious!!! And the igloos--WOW! I'm impressed!

  2. Those pictures are priceless!! He is so adorable!! :)

  3. Love it! Liam is sooooooo stinking cute!

  4. Wow! Those igloos are impressive!!

    Love the pics of Liam. He is absolutely adorable!!

  5. Liam looks like he had a ball! I bet he and Max would love playing in the snow together. My Ella would be jealous of you snow buidling. Everytime we get snow, she wants to go out an build a snowman. We just got a dusting during the blizzard storm. But, we are expecting more inches of snow tonight and tomorrow, so maybe she will get her wish. Love the cool!

  6. Wow! That igloo is awesome! I better tell my hubby to get busy... HA! We have so much snow here... I can't wait for it to melt! I'm so ready for spring! Cute pics of Liam, as usual! :)

  7. LOVE the pictures and the one with the man size igloo cracks me up!!

