Thursday, February 9, 2012

CHD Awareness Week - A Simple Test

Each day for CHD Awareness Week I'll be posting about the 7 most important things I've learned as a heart mom.   From practical to spiritual, the past 2 years have been a new experience for me and for us as a family.  My prayer is for these insights to help educate and encourage my fellow heart moms and others who follow our journeys.   

Don't forget to check out this post for a special heart giveaway!
AND another Heart Momma, Joye, also has an awesome giveaway on her blog!
Other link ups for awesome CHD Awareness momma's blogging it up:

Heart mom, Stef, blogging "Interview With a Heart Mom", sharing heart families stories of courage.

Heart mom, Jenny, blogging about "Hope" and sharing great facts and stories that provide hope amidst CHD's.

Heart mom, Michele, tells their heart story with their son Maxson.  Maxson has the same CHD as Liam, Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia.


I’ve learned how a simple test can save lives.

Pulse Oximetry.  A simple two word tool can have the power to save thousands of lives.  You’ve probably often heard me refer to this as “pulse ox” or even term it’s reading as “sats”.  Before Liam was born, I didn’t even know what this tool was or what it was used for.  Now, I know it can save lives. 

By simply require pulse oximetry screening during the first few days of an infant’s life, critical congenital heart defects can be detected.  And early detection saves lives and gives our babies the best chance at a healthy life.

Many heart mommas across the country have been pursuing their legislators to get a law to require this as part of the routine infant screening tests on the books.   Huge strides were made last year, when the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics publicly announced their recommendation for this testing.  Laws governing these tests are now up to state legislation.  So far, 3 states have made it law, while countless others have started the way to getting the bill passed.

What can you do?  Follow this link to view your state and the person in charge of advocacy for getting a bill passed.  See how you can help.  Secondly, if you are expecting, or know someone who is expecting, tell them to ASK FOR THE TEST when their child is born.  In fact, there is a printable brochure you can find here, that you can bring to your doctor and talk to them about it.

It’s all about learning and being an educated advocate for your child!  You can find more information on pulse oximetry on these websites:


  1. Another great post Tara!! I like the printable brochure!

  2. TARA! I'm going to share the brochure!!! Perfect!!!

