While the title of the post may have indicated an interest in
basketball, unfortunately we really don't follow the basketball scene
(but at least I know that term applies to basketball!). However, March madness hit our home like crazy this month, so this will be a mish-mash of an update as it's time to play catch up! And thanks for staying with us if you are reading this, lol =) Lots of blogging for February + busy time of year for us = lack of posts for March.
We are so thankful Liam's cath went so well. He bounced back super fast the
week day after and we were back to our normal schedule the following week. He is really doing great on all fronts, and seems to be getting older and more mature every day....well, maturity is relative for little boys, right?? Ha - Liam is in a stage where he like to just run around in his undies - it must be a boy thing, but at least 90% of time at home he takes off his clothes down to his undies. Yesterday I had a sitter over to watch him while I went in to work for a few hours, and when I came back, he had his shirt off (thankfully, he had shorts on!) but I had to explain to him he can't do that around others, lol. We need to keep our clothes on! I just laugh because I went through a similar phase when I was little, so I'm told =)

Liam is also talking. NON. STOP. I love it, he has a terrific sense of humor and it's so funny to get silly and tell jokes and laugh with him! He is also very meticulous about his way on certain things I've noticed and I am seeing more and more of Dustin and I's traits come out in him (for better or worse, ha!). He is loving school and is finally starting to remember friend's names and able to tell us what he did during the day (instead of always "I don't know") Socially, he is blooming, for sure!
Meticulously helping me sort and fill eggs for his class Easter party! |
Swimming lessons are going ok. He was doing really well before we pulled him out in February for a couple weeks before the cath. Now though he seems to have regressed a little, and he is acting very clingy and scared with his teacher in the water. It's a little discouraging to watch, and I'm having to remind myself of when Liam was little and how long it took him to hit certain milestones. It's hard for me to keep a perspective of patience, and that everything will happen in it's time, especially because he is thriving and would seem like that type of stuff should be behind us. I really just want him to enjoy swimming and be comfortable in the water. It's definitely a fine line for me to keep being encouraging and supportive, while at the same not using his condition as an excuse for him not to keep trying....I know this is only the beginning, as he gets older he will have to make decisions as far as what his limits are, but I don't want to encourage the wrong attitude or behaviors, I guess is my point...I am praying for wisdom!
Dustin and I have been really busy this month (I think I say that every
month, lol). I have taken on another bookkeeping client from home and starting trying to revive my craft business (hint, hint, my Etsy shop has some new items!) and
Dustin has been preparing for his Master Electrician license exam and is
also heavily involved with the media department at our church. We both
are also taking a marriage bible study course through our church as
well every Sunday. We have visited with out of town friends, seen our friends here we haven't seen in awhile and had a weeding this month also. Between, work, school, church activities and other stuff,
sometimes it's all we can do to stay above water! Although, Dustin and I
did manage to take a stay-cation before Spring Break and did another
Groupon weekend here locally to celebrate our 7 year anniversary! (sorry
for the missed anniversary post!).
Long distant friend reunion! |
Mommy and daddy dinner with good friends! |
We are going to start looking for another house soon, hopefully. Our lease is up here in July and with a lot of changes taking place on the real estate market, we have been encouraged to try to find something before the end of May. I'm excited to hopefully have a little more room and a backyard for the summer =) I think the apartment transition was definitely a positive move for us though, it's taught us a lot as far as what we REALLY need for a happy home and life in general. Plus, how much freedom there is in paying down our debt as a result of selling the house. The Lord has been making some big changes to our hearts as to priorities, our heart's desire for family life and showing us more of what it truly means to live a sacrificial and surrendered life. It's pretty amazing.
Another dinner with sweet friends!! |
That's about it for now! I'm exhausted just recapping everything going on =) Thanks for sticking around to read our updates and we wish everyone a BLESSED Easter weekend!
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