Been awhile since I've done an update! School is winding down to a close and I am trying to use all my new found energy to get work caught up before summer.
Our morning routine for crazy bed head - a warm wet wash cloth on the head while he eats breakfast tames the crazy! |
too cool! |
Liam has been a big ham lately! He is really LOVING two things especially at the moment - Gymnastics and math. Strange set, I know, lol. Gymnastics is going great, it is really bolstering his confidence (which was needed - He is not a typically fearless little boy, which I always thought was a good thing, ha!). Every week he is mastering more and more and I am so proud of him! I am thankful they continue classes year round, so we will continue through the summer.
Liam also had his first not-from-home haircut recently - I have been cutting his hair from home (or rather butchering it at times, haha) so before school pictures, we went and had it professionally done - He sat still better for the hairdresser than he ever had for me, which I was worried about!
Although I do love his long locks, I am about to go back to buzz cuts for summer!
Here are some pictures from his recent Field day at school - it was SOO windy and chilly that day, but the kids all had a blast and it was fun to spend the day with him at school
Sack race - he was one of the few ones that actually wanted to jump in the sack! |
Still loves bubbles! |
Runny nose all day! Love that Texas wind! |
More bubble fun! |
Yummy cotton candy! |
Liam will miss the cutoff for kindergarten next year, since he is a late September kiddo...we are still praying about where God wants him next year for school. I love his school this year, it is so conveniently close by and the hours are perfect, but I do wish he could go 3-4 days per week to prepare him for Kindergarten, and they only offer a 2 day program.
Baby Johnson is doing great - we just had our anatomy sonogram yesterday and everything looked great and healthy. We go to see Dr. V for our fetal echo on Friday, and I am believing the results will be normal and healthy with that as well! I am getting a little anxious about having another baby...I guess it just feels like SO long ago since Liam was born, I feel like I don't remember much! Plus, his first months were not the norm, so I also feel a little unprepared as to what to expect. Also knowing how fragile pregnancy and birth can be this time around also has me a little more cautious. God is giving me His peace though, and I trust whatever He brings our way! We are blessed and thankful for this gift and season right now!