Thought I'd better post another update before the baby gets here and you don't see me for awhile again, haha. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and we are counting down the days until delivery! I've started on some Evening Primrose Oil to help things along, so it could be anytime!
About 36 weeks here! |
Liam had his 6 month cardiology appointment last Tuesday, and it couldn't have gone better! I think this was the best visit he has EVER had - news and all! So, Dr. V has been watching him for some isolated high pressures in the 70's in his conduit they have been seeing on the Echo at each previous appointment....I was so very hopeful, this would be the year with NO medical interventions being needed (aka, no heart cath!)...Praying very hard for favor and a break to say the least. Well, it turns out, Dr. V reported that they didn't even see ANY isolated high pressures on his Echo this time, and pressures were consistent in the 40's!! You can't even imagine how sweet that news was to our ears! We serve a mighty God, who hears our prayers!! So we go back for a routine visit next February. SOO very thankful!!

Liam also had his first "official" day of Pre-K yesterday...He is growing up so fast! He still is going 2 days a week at a local church right down the street from us. His teachers are super sweet and have already sent multiple communication emails, which gets a HUGE A + plus with this momma! He had a great first day, although he did say he was a little "nervous" and then asked me what that meant, lol. He is very excited they do not have to take naps this year too, and I am grateful we do not need to lug his nap mat up to school anymore, ha!
Ms. Kim and Ms. Jen at meet the teacher |
First day of Pre-K! |
Mommy and Liam before class starts |
Cute first day picture taken by his teachers - so thoughtful and sweet!! |
We are also "trialing" a year of homeschool Kindergarten on our days at home. I have always gone back and forth with a decision to homeschool, but I feel like there are a lot of great reasons it will work well for Liam and our family, so decided to do a test run this year, since he won't officially be Kindergartner age until next year. We are mainly focusing on learning to read, handwriting and math. He loves the idea of me being his "teacher" and having "lessons" at home. My parents will also be helping some in his teaching, as my mom is a grade school art teacher and my dad is a musician, so it has become a family affair! I opted not to start with an actual curriculum set, but instead, researched and chose several books to help guide us in our goals for his learning this year:
Devotional: (REALLY loving this devotional for little boys - perfect in length and content!)
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Engelmann, Siegfried
Character building:
Coriell, Ron
Barden, Christine H.
God's Marvelous works; Book One by Teacher's Edition (1975) - I found two editions at our local thrift store and bought them on a whim -- Indeed they are a little old, I love the way it presents science in relation to God's creation, and I am excited about doing some simple experiments and reading out of them, hopefully for a few years!
History and geography will be more play (puzzles, games) and bible story based.
I am holding onto all my plans for the year loosely and just letting God take control and direct our steps. I know with the new baby, there will be a lot of changes, so I am at peace knowing things may or may not work out, but I am hopeful homeschool will work out and be a fun process.
That's about all in our world right now - We have a lot on our plate, but are full with God's blessings and provision. We are excited about this new stage as parents and a family and can't wait to see all God has for us in this season! Thanks for journeying along with us, we are so grateful for all the loving support and prayers you all provide us!