Friday, February 17, 2017

Cardiology and Cookie Crumble

Dr V performing the Echo

Liam had his bi-annual cardiology checkup yesterday afternoon.  This was the first time EVER I have not gone to his cardiology appointment…sigh…but with a nursling and a toddler afoot, it only made sense to keep them at home with me and have dad take him.  Because sometimes the appointments take an hour and sometimes 3!  Thankfully yesterdays was in, out and uneventful!  Dr. V actually performed his Echo which is kinda cool, and reports that Liam’s heart has remained unchanged from his previous reports, which is GREAT news.  We have time on our side for sure, and a good, good God who hears and answers our prayers.   So, we get another 6 months in the all clear zone!

It’s been a challenging week for me…I think the week before his appointments always heighten my stress levels, and add in a nursing 2 month old and 2 year old and we have a whole other animal in itself (as I’ve been dealing with strikes, near-mastitis, and other lovely things this week also!).  It’s also a busy time in my work life with a lot on the table at the beginning of the year.  Phew!  Sometime I just need a break, and sometimes I’m thankful that I have a baby to make me stop and take a deep breath!  

With all of that and it being Friday, I was in for a little treat.  I started making this quick cookie crumble a few weeks ago after going dairy-free for, yep…. you guessed it, the nursling.  I needed something sweet so I could feel somewhat human after giving up all my favorite dairy-laden treats.  This has been my number one go-to treat, so easy and so yummy.  It is almost too easy to make, and if you’re not careful, you could easily get addicted and start hiding it from your kids, haha.  So here is a la recipe:

Quick Cookie Crumble 

1 ½  Tbsps. Butter or Non-dairy butter (I use Earth Balance)
3 tbsps. flour
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp. quick-cooking oats
¼ tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tbsp of chocolate chips (or a handful, you know, depending on what kind of week you’ve had, I use Enjoy Life brand)
Additional healthy add-ins if you feel too guilty eating it plain as above: fresh fruit and/or nuts of choice

In a small bowl, measure out flour, brown sugar and butter.  With a fork, cut the butter into the flour and sugar until it becomes a small crumbly mixture.  Next add in the vanilla extract and oats and cut in to the mixture with your fork.  Last, add in the chocolate chips and mix.  Eat your sweet little treat (in the pantry, away from your kids, trust me on this!) and make everything right again.

Happy Friday!

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