Tuesday, February 14, 2017

CHD Awareness Week - Action!

Let's talk about simple things we can all do to help - ACTION! 

  • Financially contribute to the Children's Heart Foundation or help volunteer or organize a fundraiser for your  local CHD support group.
  • Donate blood - most children with a severe heart defect that require surgery, will at some point need blood.  Liam required donor blood for 2 of his heart surgeries.  It's simple and facts show one donation can save the lives of up to three people.  You can get more facts about blood donation and it's importance on the American Red Cross page
  • Become an organ donor - a simple check on your driver's license.  Many children with severe heart defects will require a heart transplant.  One organ donor can save up to 8 lives.  Find out more information about organ donation here
  • Participate in a heart walk sponsored by a CHD group.
  • Share CHD information and heart blogs on Facebook and Twitter
  • Tell your friends and family members who are pregnant about pulse oximetry screening and give them the "5 Questions Flyer" for their 20 week ultrasound.
  • Watch "Something the Lord Made" - a documentary about the man who invented the "BT Shunt" {that Liam had} and pioneered surgical techniques for children with heart defects, specifically Tetralogy of Fallot.  It is a fantastic movie, with the plus of being about CHD's and showing how research is vital to our children's survival.
  • Pray for families affected by CHD's - this may sound simple, but the prayer is powerful.  We have a lifetime of care that will be needed for our children, and prayers do work!
Take ACTION! You can make the difference in the lives of children affected by Congenital Heart Defects!

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